Again Today – Guest Post by Leon Stevens

I saw that guy again on my walk today

I saw that guy again on my walk today

We are at the point when we pass

That a pursed lip smile

Will suffice

Or a nod

When, I wonder, will the relationship progress

To where I have to say hello

I saw that woman with the cart today

Wearing all that she owns (clothes that is)

Tattered coat, even though it’s warm outside

Worn out shoes

On tired feet

When will I feel obliged

To offer…anything

I saw that child with the others today

With matching daycare vests

Tugging dandelions off to the side

With a smile

Only he knows

Why he is

The center of his own attention

I saw that girl with the dog today

We often pass each other

Today I was running

When I passed her she was crying

Only I kept going

Was none of my business I told myself

Though I wonder.

Photo by Leon Stevens

Leon Stevens is an author, composer, guitarist, and an artist with a Bachelor of Music and Education. He published his first book of poetry Lines by Leon: Poems, Prose, and Pictures in January 2020, followed by a book of original classical guitar compositions, Journeysand a short story collection of science fiction/post-apocalyptic tales called The Knot at the End of the Rope and Other Short Stories.

His current projects include a second collection of poems called, A Wonder of Words, and two novellas based on a short story from The Knot at the End of the Rope. Visit his website at:

Update: Leon has an additional novella out titled The View from Here, that is available as a paperback and Kindle version. To keep up with any future projects of his, you can visit the Books and Merch page on his website.

To read “Passersby”, a poem by Joy also about strangers walking past, click here.